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The head of Rosakkreditatsiya told how to protect the market from counterfeit

Fixing all participants in#nbsp;the chain from the manufacturer to#nbsp;the buyer will help reduce the number of#nbsp;counterfeit products in#nbsp;Russia. Such control is#nbsp;possible thanks to#nbsp;the system of#nbsp;mandatory labeling of#nbsp;goods, said Nazariy Skrypnik, head of#nbsp;the Federal Accreditation Service: "If we#nbsp;talk about the proper control of#nbsp;goods from the shelf in#nbsp;the store, there should be#nbsp;a#nbsp;digital connection between the toy in#nbsp;your hands and the document about its safety in#nbsp;the system. For this, additional mechanisms are used, the GTIN code, for example. The Chestny Znak brand has unique characteristics of#nbsp;the product, it#nbsp;moves with it#nbsp;from the place of#nbsp;production to#nbsp;the end consumer."

In#nbsp;connection with the introduction of#nbsp;the labeling system, the concept of "certificate exhaustion" appears#nbsp;— if#nbsp;a#nbsp;document is#nbsp;issued for 5 thousand units of#nbsp;goods, and they have already passed through the checkout, then the Honest Sign system takes into account each brand, and it#nbsp;will not be#nbsp;possible to#nbsp;sell more than the declared number of#nbsp;goods under this certificate. If#nbsp;the product is#nbsp;recognized as#nbsp;unsafe, and the certificate for it#nbsp;is#nbsp;invalid, "Honest Sign" will not allow the sale of#nbsp;the product.

Source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta (
2023-08-12 23:15